Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Righteous or Just Wrong? You Decide

1. It should be illegal for a company to own both a newspaper and a television station in the same market. Righteous or Just Wrong? you decide.

According to a Survery from a coalition of Consumer and Telecommunications and Advocacy Group More than half of Americans believe it should be illegal.

2. In order to make it fair to all americans the law should require that teachers in public schools read books to their students not just about mommie and daddy but mommy and mommy and daddy and daddy. Righteous or Just Wrong? you decide.

In September of 2006 Governor Arnold Schweznegger vetoed SB1437. A bill that proposed that very thing.

3. Sixth Grade Girls should be mandated to receive the HPV (Human Papiloma Virus.) Vaccination. HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that can cause Cervical Cancer. Righteous or Just Wrong? you decide.

Before you answer, consider these: The vaccination prevents cervical cancer. The vaccination could erode important conversations that parents should have with their children. The vaccination could significantly increase health care premiums if insurance companies are forced to fit the bill.

Twelve States including California have introduced proposals that will mandate 6th grade girls to receive the HPV vaccination. Stay abrest of your states' legislation. is a great way to stay informed on all issues.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Why subscribe to NewsZys?

In my journalism classes at the University of Illinois we were taught to seek out stories that would change the world. "True journalism and real journalist", they said, "shape the world, and change lives." Journalist inspire the masses to help one another.

It's no secret however that when you turn on the 6 and 10 o'clock news all you see is fire after murder after amber alert after another with every channel beating the same dead murderous horse.

If it bleeds it leads. For those of you who don't know that is the term we "journalist" use when determining the line-up of stories for the evening news show. So whatever happened to shaping the world and changing lives and most importantly inspiring one another for the better? Well it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that one out. --- BIG BUSINESS. Somewhere down the line, the powers that be noticed how the shocking headlines, war, and gore was turning into ratings and dollars. With that being stated the "media" is not all to blame. That fact however, does not absolve us from the responsibility of our craft. No matter how cut-throat the business can be, I still believe there are journalists committed to doing things the "right" way. I also believe there is and outlet and an audience.

Maybe it's this blog . . . . . I don't know. What I do know is that I didn't choose to be a journalist. Journalism chose me.

NewsZys is a blog dedicated to information that will help inspire change. NewsZys is for anyone who loves to know the latest but is tired of what you see at 6 and 10. No this is not a blog that will post a rundown of various news stories . . . It's a blog, like any other. but NewsZys focuses on issues. If it's quirky, fun, interesting, makes you laugh, makes you cry, uplifting, shocking(in a fun way) then you may see it on this blog.

Thanks for reading NewsZys. Check back often. and please . . . feel free to post a comment.

Theo Hayes